Set of unique filled pixel style vector icons with merry Christmas theme for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, applications, etc.

Set of unique filled pixel style vector icons with Valentine's Day theme for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, applications, etc.

A merry Christmas icon set in filled outline style that suitable for blogs, cards, design element, software, website, apps, etc.

Set of multipurpose Valentine's Day icons in outline style for design element, softwares, websites, blogs, applications, etc.

Pixlizo - Multipurpose Merry Christmas Icon Pack in Pixel Style by AbtoCreative
A merry Christmas icon set in pixel style that suitable for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, apps, etc.

An outline style vector icon pack with merry Christmas theme. Ideal for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, applications, etc.

Glypiz - Multipurpose Merry Christmas Icon Pack in Glyph Style by AbtoCreative
A merry Christmas icon set in glyph style that suitable for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, apps, etc.

Set of unique filled pixel style vector icons with happy new year theme for design element, websites, softwares, blogs, applications, etc.

Set of filled hand drawn style icons with Valentine's Day theme for websites, blogs, design element, softwares, applications, etc.

A filled hand drawn style multipurpose icon pack with Merry Christmas theme for design element, websites, blogs, applications, softwares, etc.

Set of hand drawn style icons with merry Christmas theme for websites, blogs, design element, softwares, applications, etc.

A multipurpose hand drawn style vector icon pack with new year theme for blogs, design element, websites, apps, softwares, etc.

Pixlizo - Multipurpose Happy New Year Icon Pack in Pixel Style by AbtoCreative
A happy new year vector icon set in pixel style. Suitable for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, apps, etc.

A happy new year icon set in gradients outline style that suitable for design element, software, website, blogs, apps, etc.

Outlizo - Multipurpose Happy New Year Icon Pack in Outline Style by AbtoCreative
A happy new year vector icon pack in outline style for design element, websites, softwares, blogs, apps, etc.

Glypiz - Multipurpose Valentine's Day Icon Pack in Glyph Style by AbtoCreative
A glyph style icon pack with Valentine's Day theme for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, applications, etc.

Glypiz - Multipurpose Happy New Year Icon Pack in Glyph Style by AbtoCreative
Set of happy new year vector icons in glyph style for website, software, blogs, apps, design element, etc.

Set of multipurpose merry Christmas icons in gradients outline style. Perfect for design element, softwares, websites, blogs, applications, etc.

A happy new year icon set in filled hand drawn style. Suitable for website, blogs, apps, software, design element, etc.

Pixlizo - Multipurpose Valentine's Day Icon Pack in Pixel Style by AbtoCreative
A Valentine's Day icon set in pixel style that suitable for blogs, design element, softwares, websites, apps, etc.

A Valentine's Day icon set in hand drawn style that suitable for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, apps, etc.

16 Cocktail Icon Color Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Cocktail color icons, simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

Set of multipurpose happy new year icons in filled outline style for websites, design element, softwares, blogs, apps, etc.

16 Afternoon Tea Outline Icon Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Afternoon Tea outline icons, Simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

16 Party Lighting Outline Icon Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Party Lighting outline icons, Simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

16 Music Festival Outline Icon Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Music Festival outline icons, Simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

16 Picnic Outline Icon Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Picnic outline icons, Simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

16 Disc Jockey Icon Color Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Disc Jockey color icons, simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters
New Product

A Valentine's Day icon set in gradients outline style for softwares, design element, websites, blogs, apps, etc.

16 Retro Music Outline Icon Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Retro Music outline icons, Simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

A filled outline style multipurpose icon pack with Valentine's Day theme for design element, websites, blogs, applications, softwares, etc.

16 Cocktail Outline Icon Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Cocktail outline icons, Simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

16 Clown Face Icon Color Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Clown Face color icons, simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters

16 Party Lighting Colored Icons Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Party Lighting colored icons, simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters
New Product

16 Picnic Colored Icons Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Picnic colored icons, simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters
New Product

16 Parade Outline Icon Set by upnowgraphic
Set of 16 Parade outline icons, Simple and clean design, perfect for websites, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters